About Alchemy Healing Center
Healing in modern day society is focused on getting rid of symptoms as quickly as possible. The Alchemy Healing Center is focused on cultivating your true potential while healing the source of the problem, whether it is emotional or physical.
The Alchemy Healing Center is Based on the Theories of:
- Classical Chinese Medicine, which developed over thousands of years in China. This is not the same as Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was created later when the Chinese government resurrected Chinese Medicine in the 1950s.
- Five Element Chinese Medicine, which was promoted in the West by J.R. Worsley in the United Kingdom and focuses on treating a person’s core energetic constitution to promote healing.
- Daoist Alchemy, which is the pursuit of self-cultivation through releasing the baggage of this lifetime and removing a person’s obstacles to personal evolution so they can truly fly in their lives.
“I have had a vision for many years now of a healing center that is focused on living your full potential in life. In Chinese Medicine, every illness is considered a choice between 'potential' or 'pathology.' In my practice, I've helped people from around the world turn their 'problems' or 'illnesses' into their greatest gifts and assets. I often assure people that 'Your greatest gifts can be your worst nightmares. But once you understand yourself and your authentic nature, you can accept your gifts, move into perfect health, and realize your dreams."
- Leta Herman
About Us
The Alchemists of Chinese Medicine believe humans are like gold and the process of alchemy as a personal spiritual growth path is the transformation into your full potential and perfect health. Life sometimes causes us to deviate from ourselves and our path. Alchemy helps you find your way back to your True Qi. The Alchemy Healing Center is about discovering your true path in life, removing the illusion of obstacles you think are preventing you from that path (we’re often more in our own way than we know!), and stepping in the footsteps of our destiny along that path. Everyone starts in a different place, and there is no right way to walk it… just YOUR way! This is what we call self-cultivation, which can include healing an illness or making big changes in your life situation.
The Alchemy Healing Center takes a whole body/whole spirit approach to healing. Even modern science is beginning to understand that the body is not just a mechanical thing. True healing requires a loving presence, understanding, and the ability to hold a vision of an individual’s perfect health. Many people over the years have come to us with a specific problem or health concern, perhaps it was elbow pain or an auto-immune illness. We think of these problems as gifts that prompted that person to step into a healing space to promote their overall growth. We’ve seen many people completely transform because of what they had perceived as holding them back in life. Alchemy, as conceived by the ancient Chinese Alchemists, represents transformation and transmutation (which is just really fast transformation). In fact the idea that base metal can be turned to gold is transmutation.
So, Alchemy is the fast road to change. True transformation is a process of releasing the baggage you carry from living life, breaking negative habits of being and experiencing, and opening your portals to see and experience life new and fresh. If you have any questions about our work here at The Alchemy Healing center, please reach out and connect. We would love to start a conversation with you about your own personal journey.
Meet Leta Herman
CI-AOBTA®, CP-AOBTA®, LMT Alchemy and Acupressure

Leta Herman is a Chinese Medicine practitioner, Certified AOBTA instructor, author, teacher, co-founder of the Alchemy Healing Center, and co-host of the Inspired Action podcast. She offers a wide range of energetic acupressure and Alchemy treatments based on the principles of ancient Chinese Medicine. Please see her Treatments page for more information on how she can help you and your family.
A former journalist and syndicated columnist, Leta is the co-author of four books: Through the Mystery Gate (also available as an audiobook) The Energy of Love, Connecting Your Circle, and The Big “Little” Gua Sha Book.
“I have completed and continue to study advanced principles in Chinese Medicine with Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th Generation Daoist priest and Chinese Medicine master. I have been teaching the Five Elements for over twenty years and have provided Five Element counseling to hundreds of individuals and couples. I am also a graduate of Eliot Cowan’s Plant Spirit Medicine studies program. I have studied intensively with well-known teachers and former students of J.R. Worsley, who brought Five Element Acupuncture to England in the 1960s. I also have a license in massage therapy and am certified in acupressure by the American Organization of Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA). My acupressure practice is very unique and diverse, focusing on ancient Chinese healing practices that are largely unknown today in the Western culture. People travel from around the world to my clinic to do intensive Alchemical work with me.”
Meet Jaye McElroy
Alchemy Strategist

Jaye McElroy uses her knowledge of Alchemy and the Five Elements to provide very unique life strategy sessions. She is an author, coach, photographer, co-founder of the Alchemy Healing Center, and co-host of the Inspired Action podcast. Jaye combines her career in advertising, business, and writing with the Five Elements and Alchemy to help people manifest their true potential in life. She is the co-author of four books: Through the Mystery Gate (also available as an audiobook), The Energy of Love, Connecting Your Circle, and The Big “Little” Gua Sha Book.
Jaye’s Alchemical Life Strategy work dives deep into your energetic temperament to help you use the gifts of who you truly are and transform the ways you are blocking yourself in life. During a session, Jaye maps out your Elemental stack-up (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water), giving you deep insights into how your energetics influence your behaviors and relationships in your life. Whether it is a challenge, an obstacle, or just feeling stuck in your life, she can help guide you into clarity and ease.
Jaye also brings in the Nine Palaces and how they map to your Five Elements, so you can prioritize better what’s most important in your life, whether it’s Career, Relationship, Health, Wealth, Home, Travel/Adventure, Children/Creativity, Wisdom, Prosperity. No good, no bad…no right or wrong…a 100% no-judgement zone created just for you to thrive not just survive.
Meet Raili Raud
L.Ac., MAOM., Dipl. of OM Alchemy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Herbal Medicine

Raili is our Senior Practitioner providing Acupuncture, Acupressure (as an alternative to acupuncture), Herbal and Dietary consultations and Alchemical Healing treatments, such as the Thirteen Ghost Points.
Raili is licensed as an acupuncturist and herbalist by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine, and she is nationally certified as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Chinese Medicine captured her interest when she witnessed the healing of her son through Chinese Medicine treatments with Leta. After a year of studying with Leta, her intrigue and fascination with Chinese Medicine grew to a point that she changed her long-held plans to attend Western medical school and, instead, enrolled in a Chinese Medicine program. Before becoming fascinated with the field of Chinese Medicine, Raili received her Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience from Mount Holyoke College, earning the highest honors and membership into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. Raili received her Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (MAOM) from the Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts where she was trained in Classical Chinese Medicine based on the teachings of Master Jeffery Yuen.
Meet Colette Legarrigues
L.Ac., MSOM, Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)

Colette is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine herbalist in the states of Massachusetts and California, and she is nationally certified as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She holds a master’s degree from the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College and a bachelor’s degree from Brown University.
Colette offers gentle yet impactful hands-on treatments in the form of acupuncture and acupressure, drawing on her background as a five-element shiatsu practitioner. For those interested in working with herbs, Colette creates custom herbal prescriptions based on Classical Chinese Medicine formulas, and she often incorporates nutrition and lifestyle strategies into her sessions.
Colette brings to her work over ten years of inquiry in the world’s wisdom traditions, a dedicated contemplative movement practice, and a deep love for humankind and for the earth. After many years of study and practice, she is thrilled to return home to Western Massachusetts.
Meet Penny Herter
Alchemy and Reiki

Penny Herter has studied Alchemy with Leta and Jaye for the past three years. She is the newest member of our team, offering Reiki and Alchemical Treatments (like the Thirteen Ghost Points and the Stages of Alchemy) at the Alchemy Healing Center. She also often assists Leta with her Acupressure sessions as she continues her Acupressure training.
Her Reiki treatments are incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating, while easing pain in many cases. She has studied Reiki under Reiki Master Teacher, Rosie Pearson.
Reiki is a unique, healing therapy that can restore the body to equilibrium through the transfer of beneficial energy. Treatment can be localized to the site of a specific ailment or conducted across the body. You will enjoy feelings of warmth and comfort, and may very well find yourself in a deep state of relaxation.
Meet Ana Bennett
L.Ac., MSOM, Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)

We are so happy to have Ana’s amazing craniosacral healing services at the Alchemy Healing Center! Ana has been in practice for over 20 years, treating people of all ages from babies to the elderly, using the craniosacral mechanism to help restore health and vitality. Her background is in the art and science of osteopathy.
“I trained in osteopathy at the European School of Osteopathy in the UK, a four-year, full-time training, qualifying in 1991. I was in private practice in London for 15 years as a cranial osteopath; this also included a year working at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London.”
“Since qualifying in 1991, I have undertaken extensive post-graduate training in working with the craniosacral mechanism both in the UK and USA, and I am now on the faculty of the main post-graduate training body for cranial osteopathy in Britain, the Sutherland Cranial College, and teach regularly in the UK. I am a registered member of the General Osteopathic Council in the UK, and an international affiliate member of the Cranial Academy. I have also trained extensively in the biodynamic approach to cranial, as taught by James Jealous, DO. I also hold the US-based Licensed Certified Massage Therapist(LCMT) certification.”
For more information about Ana, visit www.AnaBennett.com. To book a cranialsacral treatment with Ana, please call Ana at 413-992-8962 or our office at 413-213-0303.
Contact Us
Clinic Hours
- Monday - Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Sunday: Closed
Our Address
17 New South Street, Suite #108
Northampton, MA 01060 - Parking is available in the back parking lot. To enter parking lot, you must be driving on Rte. 9 towards downtown from Smith College. You can make a U-Turn if you’re coming from downtown or turn right at State Street and go around the block. Metered parking is also available along New South Street (Rte. 10) across from the side of the Academy of Music.